Added: Please note the date this post was
published on.
After a couple of years of implementing some really
and progressive change at
I’ve decided to refocus some of my advisory efforts over the next few years. As
a result, I’ll be taking on a senior advisory role for the Government of Canada.
I’m thrilled to announce I’ll stepping into a new position created just for me:
Chief Advisor on Science Libraries.
In this capacity I’ll be reporting directly to our brand new Minister of
State for Science & Technology Ed Holder and one of my chief roles will be
liaising with Library and Archives Canada to make sure we coordinate our efforts
to advance the corporate resource extraction innovation agenda in Canada while
at the same time rationalizing our plans to
destroy, outsource, collect and preserve Canada’s scientific, historical and
cultural heritage.
Taking my direction from the recent
and successful expansion and consolidation of the Department of Fisheries
and Oceans Library system, my goal will be to apply the
strategies from that service expansion exercise to all the scientific and
technical libraries that contribute so wonderfully to the activities of the
government of Canada. One could almost think of the current proposal to
Canada’s national union catalogue, AMICUS, as a precursor of the extensive
Access document digitization work I intend to undertake.
My initial strategic planning process will involve consulting widely with all
the relevant stakeholders within both the library and scientific communities to
establish what the priorities should be.
As such, the first course of action that I will undertake in my reign will be
to use the successful DFO reorganization as an template to re-brand and
right-size all the science library document services to reflect their ultimate
purpose in promoting innovation and economic development. For example, I propose
we rename the Environment Canada Libraries after the major firms in the natural
resource development industry. I also propose that some random summer students
scan the complete corpus of government scientific and technical documents that
we have collected over the generations and put them on DVDs that I can then hide
under my desk until someone asks for them. As if.
But the most important mission for the first year in my new role will be to
set up an Library Advisory Board to engage all the major stakeholders of
government science libraries. The charge of this group will be both to guide the
re-branding effort and to help me come up with a strategic plan for maximizing
the economic synergies and job creation potential inherent in the information
that is stored in the science libraries that are part of the government of
Canada and in outsourcing, rightsizing and re-skilling the staff that are
required for the remaining physical and virtual collections and services.
I am pleased to be able to announce the Board. Many thanks to those able to
Jane Slick, CEO, Enbridging Oil (co-chair)
Roberta Cadillac, Mayor of
Toronto (co-chair)
Douglas Cadillac, Brother of the Mayor of Toronto
Kevin Strawberry, Host, Coach’s Penalty Box, Hockey Night in
Dan McAlear, Sidekick of Kevin Strawberry
Donald Norac, former head
of Library and Archives Canada
Hubert Lepage, CEO, Barents Mining
Sarah Costalotoplous, Owner, Scanotron Scanning by the Barrel
Herring, President, Fisheries Industry Cabal of Canada,
Robin Ashton, CEO,
Empire Tobacco Canada
Chip Awais, CEO, Temporary Foreign Workers R
Angela Lee, CTO, TrashCo Document Shredding Company of Canada
Washington, Used Booksellers Association of Canada
Pamela Brossard, Former
Patrick Walloon, Former Senator
Matt Daffy, Former
Nigella Wrong, Former Chief of Staff, PMO
Dim Soudasopolopolous,
Former Executive Director, CPC
You all can’t believe how much I look forward to challenges and rewards of
this new position! Housing allowances, luxury travel opportunities to
international gatherings of bureaucrats, not to mention a limo and driver on
duty 24 hours a day! Serving the best interests of the ruthless indifferent
corporate taxpayer, here I come!
“And now…let the wild rumpus start!”
Added: I just realized I have an open spot on the Advisory Board. Please feel
free to apply in the comments.
أبريل 1|
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about the science of the paranormal from
X-STEM Speaker Dr. Joe Schwarcz at the
X-STEM Extreme STEM Symposium on April 24 ! Hear from
this noted professor of chemistry from Canada’s McGill University and how he
uses his multi-faceted skills as a chemical scientist, magician, author, food
expert and motivational speaker to inspire kids in science in fascinating ways!
Learn how to register for the X-STEM Symposium by
clicking this link.
He’s known to his many students and fans simply as “Dr. Joe,” but
then Joe Schwarcz, professor of chemistry, has always kept things fun,
uncomplicated and a little magical, especially when pursuing his challenging
goal: demystifying science for young learners and the public.
Joe has created a multi-faceted career in using his skill as a chemical
scientist, magician, author, broadcaster, food expert and motivational speaker
in communicating science to others in very interesting ways. This includes his
role as Director of the Office for Science and Society at McGill University in
Montreal, Canada, where he and his colleagues use their unconventional
“Chemistry for the Public” lecture series to wow students and the public about
chemistry and other areas of science, and how such knowledge can be applied to
everyday life.
“Our mandate at the Office for Science and Society is to demystify science,
separate sense from nonsense and hopefully foster critical thinking, “says
Known across Canada and the U.S. for his work as an educator, newspaper and
broadcast journalist, author and magician in communicating science, Joe adds:
“When people are ill-informed about science, they are at risk of falling into
the clutches of charlatans… unless we arm the public with enough informational
weaponry to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
But as a child, Joe had some challenges of his own to overcome on the path to
achievements in science and education – a journey that included his awakening to
the “magic of chemistry.”
Born in Hungary, Joseph Schwarcz was an only child. His parents had lost
their respective spouses and their parents during World War II. His father
survived a Russian labor camp and his mother was a Holocaust survivor.
During the Hungarian uprising in 1956, he and his family escaped into Austria
from their nearby border town. “We had a guide to take us through the barbed
wire,” recalls Joe, “because there was a minefield at the border. There I was –
nine years old and crawling under the wire, trying to avoid the searchlights,
and the mines.” The family was later successful in arriving in Montreal where
Joe’s father soon gained employment as an accountant.
When Joe was about 10 years old, a “life-changing event” occurred for him at
a birthday party he had been invited to. Recalls Joe: “There was a magician
performing – and he had three ropes that he was going to change into one.
Instead of using the usual magic words like Abracadabra, he said that he was
going to sprinkle a ‘Magic Chemical’ on the ropes. This reference to a chemical
intrigued me so much that I went to the library and looked up chemistry. I’ve
followed the two disciplines ever since.”
He adds: I didn’t know anything about chemistry in those days and had no idea
what chemicals were.” But the more he delved into the subject the more he liked
it, especially combining chemicals with the practice of magic. “The library had
several books on chemical magic, and within weeks I had learned how to change
water into ‘wine,’ prepare invisible inks and make self-lighting candles. It was
fun! In fact, I still enjoy entertaining children of all ages with ‘chemical’
magic shows.”
He also soon realized that understanding deeper concepts of chemistry,
especially molecules and their reactions, could do much in demystifying the many
phenomenon we experience each day, such as the fragrance of a rose, the taste of
an apple, the color of a carrot, the sting of a bee, the misery of an allergy,
the tarnishing of silver, and the pleasures of chocolate.
In fact, his book, lecture and broadcast projects in chemistry are noted for
shedding light on such practical, everyday topics as the effects of medications,
the role of cosmetics, the principles of nutrition, the risks of toxins, the
effectiveness of cleaning agents, dangers of pollutants and the horrors of
chemical warfare.
“It is clear to me that you can’t possibly navigate through life properly
without an understanding of chemistry because basically we were all practicing
chemists,” he says.
Joe has won a number of awards for his efforts, including the American
Chemical Society’s prestigious Grady-Stack award for interpreting chemistry for
the public. He has also been featured on Canada’s Discovery Channel and other
television programs, hosts his own radio show in Montreal and has written 11
books aimed at improving the public’s understanding of science.
“But my first love is the public lecture,” he confesses. “There is always a
little magic in that,” he laughs.
Follow Dr. Joe on
Learn how to register for tickets to see Dr. Schwarcz and hear his exciting
presentation about the science of paranormal
here. The deadline to register is April 11th!
تصوير : other
قال الدكتور عبداللـه عبدالعزيز النجار، رئيس المؤسسة العربية للعلوم
والتكنولوجيا، السبت، إن البحث العلمي لم يعد مهمة أكاديمية، وإنما سبيل للتنمية
الاجتماعية والاقتصادية، فهذا سبيل وحيد لتلبية احتياجات التنمية، والانتقال
بالدولة نحو العالمية، واقتصاد المعرفة وخلق فرص عمل، موضحًا أهمية الانفتاح على
العالم وربط المجتمع العلمي والتكنولوجي بالعالم الخارجي المتقدم، من أجل تبادل
الخبرات وتوقيع بروتوكولات التعاون، بما يساهم في بناء قدرات الباحثين
والتكنولوجيين ورواد الأعمال، لدعم جهود التنمية المستدامة واقتصاد المعرفة في
الدول العربية.
وشدد «النجار»، خلال مؤتمر ليبي لمناقشة إنشاء وزارة خاصة بالعلوم والتكنولوجيا،
على أن ربط مشاكل المجتمع والصناعة بالبحث العلمي والتكنولوجي، يساهم في تحسين
الإنتاجية والابتكار وجذب شركات إقليمية ودولية ومتعددة الجنسية، والمساهمة في حل
مشكلة البطالة وخلق فرص عمل جديدة للشباب وهو يعني زيادة تنافسية الاقتصاد الوطني،
ويقلل من الاعتماد على اقتصاد النفط، وتنويع مصادر الاقتصاد الليبي بحيث يكون جزء
منه مبنيًا على الصناعات الناشئة من العلوم والتكنولوجيا، فمثلا كيلو الأرز يساوي
دولارًا بينما كيلو البترول 3.3 دولار وكيلو رقائق الكمبيوتر 7 آلاف دولار أما كيلو
من ميكروبروسيسور فهو 96 ألف دولار. من هنا تبرز مبررات التوجه الإيجابي لدى صانعي
القرار الليبي لتخصيص وزارة مستقلة للعلوم والتكنولوجيا.
في سياق متصل، شدد الدكتور فاروق الباز، مدير مركز الاستشعار عن بعد بجامعة
بوسطن الأمريكية، على أن تقدم الأمم لا يأتي بإعطاء البحث العلمي أدوارًا هامشية في
الحكومة، فالبحث والتطوير هو السبيل الوحيد لتطوير المنطقة وحل مشاكلها، موضحًا أن
ليبيا تعد نقطة مركزية في أي جهود تنموية في المنطقة ذات صلة بالعلوم
وأشار إلى أن ليبيا المستقبل تستطيع كذلك أن تنفذ عددًا من المشاريع الإقليمية،
عبر توظيف الابتكار والبحث، منها إنشاء مجتمع لإنتاج الطاقة الشمسية بالتعاون مع
مصر، وتصدير الفائض من إنتاج هذه الطاقة الشمسية لكثير من دول العالم.
أضاف الباز أنه بعد الثورات المرحلة الانتقالية، عادة هي مرحلة حرجة، يترتب
عليها نجاح الثورة في تحقيق آمالها، بشرط التفكير بتأن والاستعداد على الدوام
بالبدائل، بحيث يكون هناك مخطط علمي للوصول إلى الهدف المنشود في وقت محدد، مع
إعداد خطط بديلة يمكن اللجوء إليها في حالة تغير المسار، فاللجوء للبدائل أمر عملي
وفعال، ويمنح المرونة، وهذا ما تحاول عمله ليبيا في مجال البحث العلمي والابتكار،
ليحوز على التقدير العربي والدولي.
طالباتي العزيزات .....تجدن
على الرابط أدناه ملخص فصل الأحماض والقواعدإعداده وهن : ود الحارثي , بشاير السليماني , ديمة .
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